Ending 2015

The year is QUICKLY coming to an end. It’s so crazy how the older you get the quicker time flies. I remember when I was in school how slow it seemed like things passed, and of course always wishing for the next season. Now that I’m out of school and attempting this whole “adulting” thing, I wish the current seasons would last longer, and time would slow down again.

As I reflect on this past year, I think of all the good times I’ve had and the people that have come and gone in my life. I’ve gained a huge appreciation for the people in my life that are there for me through all the difficult times and the happy times. You may be related by blood, but that doesn’t always mean the person is your “family” and has the best interest for you. I came to the conclusion that it’s better to let go of negativity, even if it means losing someone that is related to you. Sometimes in life you help someone so much that you don’t realize they were just simply taking advantage of you, and only called upon you when they needed something, not when you needed them.

I learned a lot about myself this past year. I learned I deserve more and I shouldn’t settle for less, whether that be with relationships I have with people, my job, or material things I want. I wanted a newer car – I got it. I wanted paid more for the work I do at my job – I got it. I wanted treated better by people I’m friends with, and I either have those friendships still, or I left them behind. Coming into the new year, I refuse to have people in my life that bring me down. I am constantly trying to succeed, improve, change and move forward, and if you aren’t on that same page – Peace. ✌🏻

Here are some memorable moments from my 2015 year. I hope you all have a safe and happy New Years Eve and have new mindsets for year 2016!


Amanda P-

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