Bad Blogger

Man, here I thought when I got a normal 9-5 job I would have more time to focus on blogging, essential oils, adventures.. everything! It’s almost the opposite. I don’t even know where I left you all off for me to begin, so I’ll just bounce around.



I celebrated a birthday last week, Happy Birthday to me. It was a rainy weekend, so we didn’t do a whole lot, but it was kinda nice to just chill out and catch up on some sleep. I have been running lately to get ready for a 5k in August. It’s a Run Now, Wine Later 5k where they literally give you a bottle of wine afterwards. To say I’m excited is a little underkill.

My homemade blueberry pie.. it was delicious btw.

Remember the 3 kittens and mama cat that we were taking care of in the barn/shed behind our house? Well, mama got fixed and adopted and we caught the 3 kittens and they’re living in our back sun room temporarily. We have Blackie, Taz and Junior. 2 females and 1 male. Blackie is all kitten and you would never know she lived outside for the beginning of her life. She purrs, meows, comes right up to you and loves to play play play! Junior is getting there.. he was very very afraid at first and now has started to relax. I think he realizes we are trying to help, not hurt. He now will let me pet him without tensing up and is playing with toys more. Taz.. Taz is my little work in progress. She is absolutely terrified, of everything. She is so tiny, but she is eating.. she hides in the smallest places and only comes out to see her siblings when no one is in the room. When you do get a change to catch her, she will let you hold her, but she is just so afraid. Poor thing.

I redid a coffee table, or I suppose it could be an end table too. It was a 10cent table I bought at a yard sale last year, belike it or not. Real red mahogany and sturdy! But, it needed more. So, I sanded the entire table down by hand then painted the legs and sides a cream color and stained the top a dark walnut.. It looks bomb now! So good in fact that my boyfriend wants me to redo our coffee table to match! (we’ll see, need to invest in an electric sander).

Lets see.. what else, what else. I am getting ready to write a blog for my work. The theme is summer activities, tips or adventures. What’s your thoughts!?? I would love to hear from you all about ideas for what to write about. I think I know, but I’m not 100% positive.

I’ll be sure to post the blog here, and tag whoever inspires me! 🙂

-Simply Amanda-

Crazy Animals

I live a life surrounded by crazy animals. Sometimes it’s enjoyable and sometimes it’s stressful. I’d say today has been a mix of those. Between our own wild animals, I also foster sometimes through our local Humane Society. And recently (within the last month) we found a mom and 3 kittens living in a run-down wooden shed behind our house. So that’s 8 mouths to feed, not including myself and my boyfriend… 😐

This morning the mama cat was to get spayed and then taken to her new home, so I set an alarm earlier than normal to give myself enough time to get her in the cage. You never know how troublesome it could be. She walked right into the cage! It was easy, and then I looked at the clock and was a little saddened that I had set my alarm so early lol. My neighbor took her to the vet to get fixed and then later in the afternoon I get a text saying she can’t get spayed because she has a fever.. Which I knew she had something going on because her eye is infected and she’d been sneezing. So.. back to the barn she goes, and now I have to giver her antibiotics orally and on her eye twice a day. Joy.

Also today, the foster kitten that I’ve had for a month now and sometimes call Skitzy (because it has split personalities) went to another foster that runs a flower shop and has 3 more kittens. It’s great because now Peaches has other kittens to play with and is in a public place where she’s more likely to get adopted.


Like I said, mix of enjoyable and crazy. I’m kind of sad without the sweet kisses of Peaches right now, but I’m also at peace because she’s not biting my feet.

This week at work has seemed like I’ve been thrown into the fire! I’ve been on my own for the most part, but had some pretty interesting situations arise. I really have gotten to know a couple of my accounts because I’ve talked to them multiples times in a day and every day this week. I’ve also learned WAY more than I think I was suppose to in like a couple days lol.

I love that I don’t have to have my phone on me all the time, but at the same time, I’ve not taken many pictures this past weekend/week. It’s weird. (also that’s why there aren’t many pictures attached to this blog post – I promise there will be more on the next post!) Over the weekend my boyfriend and I took our dogs just a mile down the road and found a pretty cool swimming hole for not only them, but us. It’s right off the river with a sandy/stone beach. We’ll see, might have to clear it out some more and then take a day to sun bathe while the dogs swim. It’s nice that we don’t have to worry about other people and animals bothering us, it’s our own private place. 🙂

I think that’s all for now. I’m staying busy. I essentially have 3 jobs now.. I am officially an independent agent and have been showing a buyer around. I’m pretty excited to have my license still active and be able to show people on my own schedule. We will see how that goes. And of course, still growing my essential oil business and teaching classes.

Have a great weekend!

Simply Amanda

Blissful Week to Myself!

Ahhhhh – Inhale & exhale.


I’ve had 5 days off with no job and no plans! It’s been magical, to say the least. I loved it, but soon it’s back to reality with the new job. I started my 5-day break early in the am with a workout! I figured this week was the best time to start. Up at 7am, changed, pulled my hair up and gathered the dogs leashes and we were off to the tracks! Okay, or field… Day 1 of walking both dogs in the morning, running around the field at the old school and then walking back home.

IMG_5758Day 1 was an adventure. It was our first day of running in a very long time (well for me) and when we were about 5 houses from ours a couple dogs had gotten loose and chased after us. They were going after Abby. Luckily a Columbia Gas guy was right there, he jumped out of the truck and helped me get the dogs off of Abby, she got loose (which is good, I keep her collar loose for a reason) and knew to run home. Duke.. He might have ran or been dragged, it’s kind of a blur. After I looked Abby over I went to thank the guy that helped me, and I’ll be damned if the loose dog wasn’t trying to go after someone else walking their dog, and then again to someone that was a block or more down the street!

Abby is fine, but needless to say, both dogs slept just about all day that day haha. double the run 😛

I ran to town, paid some bills, did a little shopping (oops) and then came home to clean house. Everything said and done that day before the clock hit noon!


Day 2: Up at 6:30am and out again for a morning run. This time we took a different route home, just to be safe. The best part about this morning run thing is I can workout with my animals and don’t feel guilty about leaving them to go to the gym. They love to be around us, and with working during the day, I already feel bad for leaving them home alone. My goal is to wake up at 6:00 to workout with them and then have plenty of time to walk home, shower and get ready for work. Plus, the way I look at it.. I’m earning my morning cup of coffee! I don’t drink ANY before going to run. It’s kind of peaceful just us out there..

IMG_5769Day 3: same thing – morning run, then we just hung out pretty much all day together and
did just about nothing lol. I’ve also been incorporating more healthy meal options, like salad and more fish. No more pizza’s and donuts. 😦 My hope for starting this running isn’t to loose weight (although that would be nice) but it’s to just get in better shape overall. Right now, if someone was chasing me down the street I would just give in. There’s no way I could run from someone without my heart giving out! I need to improve my cardio. I want to run an entire 5k this year, so we’ll see.


Today I got my boyfriend up early for a run with us, which is quite the miracle. We’ve been running errands all day. I was suppose to take the foster kitten i have to get spayed this morning but she was still too tiny so that will be in another couple weeks.

Have a great week! I’ll be sure to post about how my new job is going!

Simply Amanda

Long Weekends

This weekend is about remembering those that have served our country and protected us while giving their lives.


This weekend for me, was also about relaxing and just enjoying the days… And catching up on sleep. We bought a fire pit and had our first fire at the house – invited the neighbors over and just had a good time. We also took the dogs hiking at the state park in Logan. They had a blast, even though the place was so full. We should have known the place would be PACKED! We couldn’t even find parking – so we just parked in the grass! The weather in Ohio went from chilly Spring mornings and rain to like Summer mugginess real quick! I love it! I wouldn’t trade this warmer weather for anything. Outside all day long, kayaking, hiking, bon fires, and the best part is the sun stays up until like 9pm!

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Did I mention anything about seeing Dirty Dancing on Broadway with my mom and brother’s girlfriend?? It was pretty good – I think I was a little disappointed thought because I’ve seen the broadway shows in Chicago, which are like Fantastic!! I thought the show was okay. It was a blast to hang out with my mom, we went shopping, then met Emily for dinner and drinks. 

My coworkers and I also went out for some going away drinks. I’d say I went a little too hard for a Wednesday and ended up taking Thursday off work 😛 It was a blast though! I’m going to miss seeing everyone every day and just catching up on our lives. Although I’m not going far, I know it’s hard to keep in touch with work schedules when you switch jobs.


Other than that, I’ve been taking it pretty easy and relaxing. Trying to keep things in order and finished everything up at my current job. I’m working Tuesday then taking the entire week off – which will be super nice. I have a tentative start date for the new job, but they said I could start sooner if all my background information/references check out.

Onward and upward right! I guess I better go start dinner for the working man – he’s been out working on the semi, after we did our hike with the dogs.. He’s a worker! Enjoy you’re weekend – remember those that have fallen, and have a great week!!

Simply Amanda –